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Crossword 1: Infamous Jeb Bush entreaty

This is not the first crossword I started, but it's the first one I finished. (At this point I have about 10 in various states of done-ness.)

I think it's actually pretty good! It might be kind of hard though. (It's a little difficult to judge the difficulty when you start with the answers, although I assume I'll get better at that over time.)

Built by with the free crossword puzzle generator from Amuse Labs

Constructor's Notes

(Read these after you solve the puzzle.)

I am still getting the hang of how to grid, but I am pretty happy with how this one turned out. I feel like there's a lot of reasonably interesting long fill.

I spent quite a while trying to get rid of fill that I hated. Of what's left, by far my least favorite is 23-down, probably followed by 11-across (although that corner used to be way worse).

Of the clues probably my favorite is 51-across. Please don't tell me if someone has used that one already, I don't want to know. 32-down is fun but probably not something that would fly in a "real" published crossword puzzle.

Please let me know your feedback, good or bad!